The Decrees & Visons: “THRESHING FLOOR STATE”
If every state would prepare through prayer for transformation the way Minnesota is doing then we would see one of the greatest moves of God that our nation has ever known.
The “floor” of the flag is of the American flag with 13 stars to represent the Christian foundation of the nation and 5 stripes for grace and works of our hands; ie: prayer. America will be touched by the fire of intercession from Minnesota.
Atop the foundation is a sheaf of wheat, symbolic of harvest and plenty.
There is a fire bursting up from the foundation and surrounding the harvest to symbolize revival, the presence of God and purity.
Scattered among the glory fire are grains of wheat symbolizing multiplied harvest of passionate souls pulled out of the staff of mediocrity.
That’s what is done on a threshing floor, the wheat is separated from the chaff.
The background is blue swirling winds of the Holy Spirit keeping things stirred up.
The vision for this flag was gleaned from excerpts from the book, “Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation” written by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce. This book was written from the call of God on their lives in to go to each state in America to link with ministries in that state and decree the destiny of God for that place and stir up a prophetic army of intercessors for America.