New Jersey Prophetic Destiny Flag

Regular price $50.00


The Decrees & Visons: “WATCHMAN STATE”

New Jersey has the watchman anointing, you watchmen to snap the watchmen of America into alignment. You are a gate-keeping state, a state that keeps the serpent out of the state and nation.

Find those vipers. Look carefully and watch and find their nest and break the eggs before they hatch out.

Declare watchmen in the night seasons to shake out the wicked to be exposed in the daylight. Job 38:12-15-- the sun brings everything to light and the cover of darkness is snatched from the wicked and they shall be shaken out of it.


Central to the imagery is an eagle with his eyes shaded so he can see clearly. An eagle is symbolic: of the seer anointing as having the ability to see into the spirit realm, of overcoming,freedom and for America.

This eagle is shading his eyes, but it could also be saluting as the watchman reports for duty, a soldier if you would.

Behind him is a vipers nest that the eggs have been destroyed and the vipers head has been torn off.

Before the eagle he looks out upon the new day dawning and all is clear.

The vision for this flag was gleaned from excerpts from the book, “Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation” written by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce. This book was written from the call of God on their lives in to go to each state in America to link with ministries in that state and decree the destiny of God for that place and stir up a prophetic army of intercessors for America.