Turkey is called the “Cradle of Civilization or Cradle of the World”, it is thought that the garden of Eden may be here as the The Tigrus & Euphates rivers begin in this nation. Mt. Ararat is located here and thought to harbor the remains of Noah’s Ark. There are eight nations bordering Turkey and 4 seas.
Turkey in Bible times was known as ASIA MINOR and Assyria and the bible is filled with references and prophesies to it. Most notable is Revelation 1-3 , the letters to the Seven Churches written by the Apostle John. All seven of these letters from the Lord were to cities/churches in Asia that are located in modern day Turkey and many of them still thriving today by under different names.
The Apostle Paul raised in Turkey in the city of Tarsus, so it is his culture that is resonating in much of our New Testament.
Today, Turkey is known as a Muslim nation and Christian missionaries are not allowed, but Christian business people are welcomed but because of persecution there is only a little group of open Christianity. It is prophesied the they would be friendly allies to Israel in the end times.
Central image on the flag is a scroll with a sword writing on it to represent the Word of God. The prophetic call to Turkey is for the church to arise and declare the Cross of Jesus, His soon return and Lordship.
Surrounding the scroll is imagery from Revelation of the Seven stars that represent Seven Angels of God of the church’s that are in Jesus’ hand and surrounding the scroll are the seven candles burning to represent the churches and also the Glory of God as Jesus walked among them.
The background is of swirling shades of blue to represent Holy Spirits activity to bring to fullness the Prophetic Word of God in this nation.