Lion Of Judah, Fiery

Regular price $23.75


The prophetic vision of this flag is of Jesus as the Lion of Judah as He roars. He is comeing in vengeance to protect His bride and claim His territory. Judah means abandoned Praise & worship. This flag is propheticly decreeing overcoming breakthrough, prosperity in all realms, and refreshing health into the atmosphere as we worship Him.

Rev 5:5--the Lion of Judah has prevailed

In the animnal kingdom, A mature lion, being the king of beasts and the strongest among them, may denote the kingly power and authority of Christ. It shows His great strength as the Almighty God and Almighty Saviour, His courage in engaging with all the powers of darkness, and valor in vanquishing all enemies; His generosity and leniency to those that stoop to Him, and His fierceness to His adversaries, He took the prey from the mighty, and then ascended on high, leading captivity captive; where He sat down at the right hand of God at rest and ease, and who will dare to rouse Him up, or be able to stand before Him when once He is angry?
Heraldry Position Meaning:
Facing right:means He is returning to possess as one who has the right by birth and by law.